Sunday, February 8, 2009

Leather elbows on a tweed coat...

Twitter has become a ruthless blog thief, I am transfixed. I find myself often wondering if perhaps there are more intriguing people out there yet to be found and followed. Once so many interesting profiles have been claimed, I am then no longer able to keep up with so many posts- forced to ‘untwitter’ someone, sadness. Even worse I think are the most delectable persons who fail to update nearly as often as they should.

Outside the virtual realm, I spent over a hundred dollars yesterday on nibbles and accessories. Worse yet I spent most of the day still hungry. It appears that the hungrier I become the more far fetched my last eating experience was, until finally- the last I ate was in a previous life as a struggling ‘up and coming’ deity somewhere in India. Oh, sweet curries- scratch that, chocolate almond cake. Yum. In light of my now tightened budget I did acquire a few things I had either been eyeing or needed, not quite desperately. Finally, I have a lampshade for infamous broken beaked bird lamp, love. A pair of precious gold heart locket earrings, and a burgundy hand bag that was $88.00- paid $9.99, satisfaction of victory. Oh, and a pair of peacock ornamental scissors, lots of treats and cat food I am less likely to cry over when reading the label.

Recently in pages, haven’t managed to polish off a single book in quite a good while. Too many anthologies are likely to blame. Must remedy this before it becomes a prevailing statistic! But what book to best due so with? That alone will take hours to decide. Bugger.

On the subject of activism, I am still hiding in my mole hill, not making new friends. I have however been keeping much better tabs on things happening locally, nationally and globally. The Let Live Conference is coming up in June. I plan to attend and meet many like minded misses and misters. Also, my vegan cooking skills are greatly improving!


Chae said...

That lampshade is lovely! You must take a closer picture of your handbag and send it to me, it looks quite fetching, but the detail escapes me.

eleKtrofly said...

try reading short stories. more attainable than 'books'