Monday, January 21, 2008

Pajama clad and unkempt

Another weekend gone by, time has escaped me frequently this last year. As Valentine’s day approaches, so does a terrific event and a dreaded anniversary of sorts. The event which I speak of is an annual sci-fi convention my partner and I attend out of tradition more than anything. A weekend of badly dressed people, drinking heavily and fondling one another while a crowd of individuals {either too young or already involved} watch {and also participate in gaming tournaments}- it is a fantastic spectacle! It is a modern day freak show and we have the best time. On the other hand, Valentine’s day itself will mark exactly one year without a best friend, as I have taken to calling it {if each day, week, month, were characterized by what is missing from it}. But life went on, the tears eventually ran out and I found new friendships to treasure. I am becoming notorious for my ability to carry emotional burdens long forgotten by average human beings, as I am an abandoned anthology, dusty and shelf worn.

I spent a great deal of time with Chae this weekend, which was very nice since I rarely see her! We saw Clover field {which is excellent by the way, no spoilers here}, enjoyed some conversation over delicious veggie burgers, later on refreshing the color in her hair {from the haute-hair show} and played a little Mario galaxy. All these pleasant distractions were a comfort to me. Sitting on the couch, pajama clad in mismatched pieces, her legs draped over my own- how I fancy the experience of intimacy. Chae and I have become what I consider to be close friends and I am glad of that.

Two new books in my possession; The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides and The Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier. I have intention to finish them this week, more to come on that later.

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